August 5th, 2021 – Mouser Electronics, Inc. announces a global distribution agreement with AP Memory, the world’s leading supplier of ultra-low-power and low-pin-count PSRAM. Partnering with an advanced DRAM technology foundry, AP Memory offers products with world-class power, performance, supply longevity, and quality. AP Memory’s innovative products have been widely adopted in mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, AI, and other applications. AP Memory has shipped nearly 10 billion devices since its inception.
Through the agreement, Mouser now stocks AP Memory’s octal- and quad-SPI PSRAM (IoT RAM) solutions. Through Mouser, APMemory is making available the widest offering of low-pin-count PSRAM, including the world’s smallest power and PCB footprint devices for wearable applications.
Octal SPI (OPI) double-data rate (DDR) PSRAM offers IoT RAM in 64M to 512M densities with x8 or x16 organization. The maximum clock frequencies offered by various devices range from 133 MHz to 200 MHz, supporting up to 800 MB/s bandwidth and come in a BGA-24 and WLCSP package.
Quad SPI (QSPI) single-data rate (SDR) PSRAM offers IoT RAM in densities of 16M to 64M. The devices are available with maximum clock frequencies from 84 MHz to 144 MHz in SOP-8, USON-8 and WLCSP compact packages.
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About AP Memory
AP Memory is a fabless memory IC design and marketing company focusing on low- to mid-density RAM solutions. AP Memory is a world leader in Pseudo-SRAM, emphasizing low-pin-count, ultra-low-power QSPI and OPI IoT RAM and high-performance derivative devices. AP Memory is also leading the world in AI memory solutions, particularly for 3D IC, partnering with industry leaders. AP Memory helps worldwide manufacturers by supporting highly innovative, customized memory solutions for mobile, wearable, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which greatly enhance their competitiveness.
About Mouser Electronics
Mouser Electronics, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorized semiconductor and electronic component distributor focused on New Product Introductions from its leading manufacturer partners. Serving the global electronic design engineer and buyer community, the global distributor’s website,, is available in multiple languages and currencies and features more than 5 million products from over 1,100 manufacturer brands. Mouser offers 27 support locations worldwide to provide best-in-class customer service in local language, currency and time zone. The distributor ships to over 630,000 customers in 223 countries/territories from its 1 million-square-foot, state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Dallas, Texas, metro area. For more information, visit愛普科技的IoT RAM中,有採用OPI介面的 Double-Data Rate PSRAM,其容量範圍在64M到512M之間,支援x8及x16兩種匯流排寬度。 此類產品的最高時脈在133MHz到200MHz之間,可支援之最高頻寬達800 MB/s,並提供BGA-24及WLCSP兩種封裝。IoT RAM產品線中亦有採用QSPI介面的 Single-Data Rate PSRAM,其容量在16M到64M之間。最高時脈在84MHz到144MHz之間,提供SOP-8、USON-8及WLCSP的封裝方式。
作為客製化記憶體解決方案Fabless IC設計公司,愛普科技是虛擬靜態隨機存取記憶體(PSRAM)領域的全球領導者,主打low pin count (LPC)、超低功耗的QSPI/OPI IoT RAM與其他高性能產品。愛普科技更引領著全球人工智慧記憶體解決方案的發展,尤其在3D IC領域,愛普科技正快速地與產業領導者展開戰略合作。愛普科技透過為行動通訊、穿戴裝置、物聯網等應用,提供高度創新的客製化記憶體解決方案,協助上述領域的全球製造商,打造更具競爭力的產品。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問
波克夏海瑟威公司(Berkshire Hathaway)旗下公司Mouser Electronics是屢獲殊榮的授權半導體和電子元件分銷商,專門致力於向電子設計工程師和採購商快速推廣其製造合作夥伴的新產品。全球分銷商網站Mouser.com有多種語言和幣別可供選擇,提供來自超過700家生產商的500多萬種產品。Mouser在全球有27個支援據點提供一流的客戶服務,並從德州達拉斯南部佔地逾100萬平方英尺的先進設施向全球223個國家/地區的逾60萬家客戶出貨。更多資訊,敬請瀏覽