愛普科技股份有限公司, AP Memory, 記憶體, 矽電容, 客製化高頻寬記憶體







本公司董事恪守利益衝突迴避,對董事會會議事項,與其自身或其代表之法人有利害關係,致有害於公司利益之虞者,不加入討論及表決。公司治理單位並於各季度財務報告公告前,以E-mail通知提醒各董事及經理人不得於年度財務報告公告前三十日,和每季財務報告公告前十五日之封閉期間交易其股票,2024年分別於1月29日、4月16日、7月8日、10月7日 通知董事及經理人。




1. 請提供您的聯絡資訊,包含姓名、電話、電子郵件地址及相關具體資訊與文件。

2. 不得明知不實而故意捏造事實,倘舉報事後被證明是出於惡意或有故意捏造虛偽陳述之情事,舉報人須自負相關法律責任。

  • S-SiCapTM
  • 可穿戴式裝置
  • 智慧家庭
  • S-SiCap 中介層 IP
  • 隱私權政策

    Who we are
    • Our website address is: https://www.apmemory.com.
    What personal data we collect and why we collect it
    • We collect the data shown in the comments form, your IP address, and browser user agent string to help with spam detection. An anonymized string from your email address may be provided to the Gravatar service. After approval, your profile picture is visible with your comment.
    • Avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors can download and extract location data from images on the website.
    • If you leave a comment, you may opt-in to saving your name, email, and website in cookies for convenience. These cookies last for one year. We also set cookies when you log in to save your login information and screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me,” your login persists for two weeks. If you log out, login cookies are removed.
    Embedded content from other websites
    • Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images). Embedded content from other websites behaves as if you visited the other website, which may collect data, use cookies, and track your interaction.
    How long we retain your data
    • Comments and their metadata are retained indefinitely. For registered users, we store personal information in their user profile. Users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.
    What rights you have over your data
    • If you have an account or have left comments, you can request an exported file of the personal data we hold about you or request that we erase any personal data we hold about you, except data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
    Where we send your data
    • Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.